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Purpose-driven, dedicated team members.

Our company’s purpose is to improve lives by making technology deliver more value to users. Every team member lives, breathes, and works each day through our purpose and core values. The company values are ingrained into all our process right from the hiring phase. This ensures consistency and reliability without the need to micro manage the team.


How do we find and retain the best agents?

Using a 4-step Gauntlet Process (tests), we hire very selectively across a wide pool of applicants. We conduct rigorous tests in Communication, Problem Solving, and Alignment with Core Values before bringing them onboard. In fact, we have been told that our criteria are harder than getting into top tier business schools. We hire 1 agent for every 300 applicants we talk to. Our retention rate is one of the highest in the industry.


How do we transform team members into super agents?

Once onboard, we follow a 4-step performance model: Create expectations - Calibrate against these expectations - Coach weekly - Commit to improve. Our blended score technique is then used to evaluate performance. In addition to high CSAT scores, we quantitatively measure each agent’s match to the company’s core values using factors such as team player qualities, initiative, and workplace attitude.


How do we ensure consistent quality?

One of our core differentiators is our internal Quality Management System. After completing millions of conversations and evaluating them, we have developed a system of leading indicators that help identify areas of improvement before the issues reach the end customer. We calibrate these frequently with the client’s internal team to ensure our measure match their expectations.


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